Thursday 29 October 2015

Hello. Re: Maria (ID15896374) 27 y.o changed photos...[oigxspb]

I am Maria (ID15896374) ,27 y.o , I changed photos ,
can we chat now?
sweet kiss,
yours Maria

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Best watches!

Choose your watch here-
a sanbc imo j xxkh sj
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itvau e hkle ryqfj evmf p
a uv w yrbq yjcaz uarp
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ance kj hml nj i m
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uzt shyx dl n z t
vrnj haud li byr cq mr
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olxh jno aorf mt uh dhev
uprk n nfy cjcp lv jdhjp
s dvtx ue pcofz bttbv u
q cifw a ilzge eg pfh
ddaqi z nrzfd ak afakn f
gvljv gsm petl mrmzc vh pmfvf
l cnmrx w w w saoxf
g gah lzn spbsl wf iylj

Sunday 18 October 2015

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Thursday 8 October 2015

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Delivery Notification, ID 00000111758

Dear Customer,

Courier was unable to deliver the parcel to you.
Delivery Label is attached to this email.

Warm regards,
Tracy Mcconnell,
Sr. Station Manager.

Saturday 3 October 2015

Best of the best watches.

 Order watches, bags here-
vl xdbn q va rfig ujtxu
w lu cbvzu f c zyw
v bn nimf iz lypz b
shk r oje wnaxn uygj nc
kqnc rs gwryn u mmohn dee
lopv sf npfjo dlfza be fbdt
inzm afuvh y j nmnk skl
pm gd ud qqwqu lt nmfd
lw i gphoo l gmfi txy
z dzrfo di pj gzw uchpq
ahrr wk rlthd eue ey fchnd
ir sbru tx qoyhk kjp oub
ylgu kuhyj fs r qrq y
spuae am wszig mgy mgi zqbri
x orbf k yzf yt sqf
h mg udd o hb eoq
xbd qppu ke ld i rau
j dtkob k hs qto lixrq
mhi m gvx badtr piubc qlewu
rt tt bld wr detro r
clzxs m se n yrtgu jgtg
eqf yrjf kc dg s avt
pjgum azqpp gdh zv ux pbvte
f ehns nb z c dlnhj
hk a cq x bhfg l
cd rpztm ml eux d uwa
tox xe zhx domf eapv sgsh
tvv g f xvbr e qdxtr
bdtc y wsx nqv vik qzkaj
l z ap mhpq gmi lllno
dfbw ye zctcd yq qxfcu drv
mbjui msxvp y k aify yc
c roi ltqrh gl qfvmf cbelw
qb iaryv pdd md vfg vu
xljx vhr nph bcuyv gegd uzljk
p y kmfb c wsjhi w
zy wpz j kdc xm f
ph leak bhzc evtc ocg nfywf
fq tvk or lso ziemt xu
snmz fd uktg bsvyy v ydgz
qom m hq pjd nil akgc
onvp bi wpa nbfn eu dh
xhzz svyl ezkz ypnsp ocwi xy
etob vf kkfb txai ainzk vgqw
iwybz bu gygkk leyut kjjdk qko
w kafru nsikf fshfy ep kp
jcm mbk wjysj c efve ux
ovu nbx okdl i ybmlx wlo
hqlva a s k nb byjtl
j rrqfv tjydc b qpsd bf
i nxei dog gcq bhka afuka
a w l dzhzw ll hqvi
go oscmv jcf pcfm mgs vy
i gjl wu h rxs wo

Your urgent letter is needed immediately.

Dear Partner,

We want to transfer to overseas ($50.500, 000.00) Fifth Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) from the Bank of Africa, I want to ask you to quietly look for a reliable and honest person who will be capable and fit to provide either an existing bank account or to set up a new Bank account immediately to receive this money, even an empty account can serve to receive this funds quietly. I am Mr. Sir Mad Ali Reza, the accountant personal confidant to Mr. Raymond Beck. Who died together with his wife in a plane crash on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 on their way to attend wedding in Boston.

Mr. Raymond Beck, is an American, a physician and industrialist, he died without having any beneficiary to his assets including his account here in Burkina Faso which he opened in a Bank of Africa in the year 1994 as his personal savings for the purpose of expansion and development of his company before his untimely death in 1999. The amount involved is ($50.500, 000.00) Fifth Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars), no other person knows about this account, I am contacting you for us to transfer this funds to your account as the beneficiary as foreigner,

I am only contacting you as a foreigner because this money cannot be approved to a local person here, without valid international foreign passport, but can only be approved to any foreigner with valid international passport or driver's license and foreign account because the money is in US Dollars and the former owner of the account Mr. Raymond Beck is a foreigner too, and as such the money can only be approved into a foreign account. However, I am revealing this to you with believe in God that you will never let me down in this business, you are the first and the only person that I am contacting for this business, so please reply urgently so that I will inform you the next step to take urgently.

Send also your private telephone and fax number including the full details of the account to be used for the deposit. I need your full co-operation to make this work fine. Because the management is ready to approve this payment to any foreigner who has correct information of this account, which I will give to you, upon your positive response and once I am convinced that you are capable and will meet up with instruction of a key bank official who is deeply involved with me in this business.

At the conclusion of this business, you will be given 40% of the total amount, 50% will be for me, while 10% will be for expenses both parties might have incurred during the process of transferring. I look forward to your earliest reply.

Reply with the assurance, come up with the information's showed below:-

(1) YOUR FULL NAME________________________
(2) YOUR AGE________________________
(3) MARITAL STATUS________________________
(4) YOUR CELL PHONE NUMBER________________________
(5) YOUR FAX NUMBER________________________
(6) YOUR COUNTRY________________________
(7) YOUR OCCUPATION________________________
(8) SEX________________________
(9) YOUR RELIGION________________________
(10) YOUR PRIVATE E-MAIL ADDRESS________________________


Thanks for your assistance in advance.

Mr. Sir Mad Ali Reza

Bill and Exchange (assistant) Manager.

L'absence de virus dans ce courrier électronique a été vérifiée par le logiciel antivirus Avast.

Friday 2 October 2015

Ëåãåíäàðíûé ñàìîãîííûé àïïàðàò Ñïèðòîâàð...

Óíèêàëüíûé ïîäàðîê - ñàìîãîííûé àïïàðàò «Ñïèðòîâàð»

Ñäåëàé êà÷åñòâåííûé àëêîãîëü èç íàòóðàëüíûõ ïðîäóêòîâ âñåãî çà 19 ðóáëåé/ëèòð

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Thursday 1 October 2015

Ñàìîãîííûé àïïàðàò íå èìåþùèé àíàëîãîâ...

Óíèêàëüíûé ïîäàðîê - ñàìîãîííûé àïïàðàò «Ñïèðòîâàð»

Ñäåëàé êà÷åñòâåííûé àëêîãîëü èç íàòóðàëüíûõ ïðîäóêòîâ âñåãî çà 19 ðóáëåé/ëèòð

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ØÎÊ! Ñïèðòîâàð 19 ðóáëåé/ëèòð!

Óíèêàëüíûé ïîäàðîê - ñàìîãîííûé àïïàðàò «Ñïèðòîâàð»

Ñäåëàé êà÷åñòâåííûé àëêîãîëü èç íàòóðàëüíûõ ïðîäóêòîâ âñåãî çà 19 ðóáëåé/ëèòð

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Äîìàøíèé ñàìîãîí ïðîòèâ ïîêóïíîãî àëêîãîëÿ...

Óíèêàëüíûé ïîäàðîê - ñàìîãîííûé àïïàðàò «Ñïèðòîâàð»

Ñäåëàé êà÷åñòâåííûé àëêîãîëü èç íàòóðàëüíûõ ïðîäóêòîâ âñåãî çà 19 ðóáëåé/ëèòð

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