Monday 23 February 2015

Erie Storm not use the Erie Storm name due to similarities with their own name the Lake Erie Storm.

One of the servants that waited on him had dreamt in the morning that he carried the marquis on his back up to heaven. gilihami.vedat, Arafat, who is the President of the Palestinian Authority. It has a passage through the coupling for the drill string.
Visit the community website www. Fenton was ranked no. He also retained a share in the shipping operation. Any edits will be reverted.
Atoll Commander, could not counterattack. In addition to this, the next revision of the XBOX v1. Dispatch songs and audio recordings of some of the performances on the DVD.

Monday 2 February 2015

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Sunday 1 February 2015


Sevgili Arkadaş,
Bay Hristos Adamantiadis, Afrika Bankası ile başkanı ve baş işletme görevlisi, ve ben 17.500.000 $ miktarı rahmetli müşteri bir yabancı ortağı olarak adınız transfer olacağını bilmek istiyorum.
% 40 Eğer transfer sürecinde vermek isteyebilir herhangi bir yardım sizin için ise, ben hesabınıza buradan dışarı aktarmak olmak için bu fonu almak için sizin yardımınıza ihtiyacımız var ve biz benim için% 60 oranında paylaşmak hesabınıza bu fon. Sen banka havalesi ile bu miktarı alırsınız.
Ben bu işlemle ilgili ayrıntıları edecek tam adınızı ve telefon numaralarına doğrudan ve adresini göndermek ve lütfen. Sen benim özel e-posta yoluyla bana ulaşın zorunda (
Hemen cevap çok takdir edilecektir.
Afrika Bankası. (Boa) .BF
PhoneNo: + 226-65910223,
Faks No: 226-5048355289 +,
İletişim: E-Posta :(
İletişim: E-posta :(
Sayın Christos Adamantiadis

Dear Friend,
I  Mr. Christos Adamantiadis, chairman and chief operating officer with the Bank of Africa, and I want you to know that the amount of $ 17.5 million will be transferred to your name as a foreign partner of our deceased client.
I need your help to get this fund to be transfer out from here to your account, and we share at a ratio of 60% for me, while 40% is for you in any assistance that you may require to give during the transferring process of this fund into your account. You will receive this amount by bank transfer.
Please send your full name and your directly phone numbers, and address, and I will details you about this transaction. You have to contact me through my private e-mail at (
Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.
Bank of Africa.(Boa).BF
PhoneNo: +226-65910223,
Fax No: +226-5048355289,
Contact: E-Mail :(
Contact: E-mail :(
Mr. Christos Adamantiadis